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Promotional Keyrings

So small, yet so effective, promotional keyrings give you the opportunity to match creativity and personalisation with big, mobile branding power. So your message can travel with your prospective customers. Fylde Promotional Merchandise are experts in promotional merchandise that will engage with your target audience.

Why Promotional Keyrings?

Always To Hand: Promotional merchandise works best when you make them indispensable - and few items are more indispensable than your keys. That means your brand gets to do its stuff every time the user dips into their pocket or bag.

Double Benefit: Looking after a user’s keys is a valuable enough service. But when you double up keyrings with torches, bottle openers, tape measures and more, you give a promotional gift that’s doubly valuable.

Small And Portable: Because nothing works better than promotional merchandise that goes where the user does.

Make Branded Keyrings Your Promotional Gifts For…

Making keyrings your promotional product of choice makes sense in lots of ways.

  • Hospitality? Bottle opener keyrings make a good promotional gift of choice for any industry, but particularly when your business is built on food and drink.
  • Retail? Add your brand to a promotional key ring that doubles as a trolley coin keyring and you’ll make double the impact - keeping your brand in mind with every supermarket trip, and visible for all to see as the user makes their way around the store. You get extra bonus points for being helpful too.
  • Automotive? Give a promotional keyring with a torch and you give a corporate gift that’s always to hand, just when users need it most.
  • Trades? Add a branded tape measure for a promotional gift that’s bound to stay close to the user.
  • Your business? Whatever you do, there’s a novelty promotional keyring to match. From hard hats to mobile phones, thermometers to animals, we’ll help you give a promotional gift that’s perfectly matched to your business.

The Fylde Promotional Merchandise Difference

We’ve years of experience in giving promotional merchandise the extra design clout they need to do their jobs. From colours to fonts to logos, we’ll ensure the information we place on your promotional keyrings is the perfect match for your brand. We’ll even give you 30 minutes’ FREE studio time.

Ordering your promotional merchandise is fast and simple. Make a start by contacting us now or call us on 0330 043 18 08.

Creative Merchandise. Your Brand is our Business.